Conference 2017 (IRCBiM)
The 1st International Research Conference on Business Management (IRCBiM), organized by EdHat International (UK) and Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Management, IDM Nations Campus Lanka (PVT) Ltd. was held on 8th December 2017. This conference was held in partnership with several Institutions and Universities from the United Kingdom, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Inaugural Session and Academic Research Sessions of the conference was held at Sri Lanka Foundation, Colombo.
EdHat International is one of the foremost UK based academic organisations which offers excellent academic qualifications for International students who would like to pursue their undergraduate or post graduate level degrees with International qualifications. EdHat International conducts several Research Conferences in its partner countries under a range of concepts. The conference provided an interdisciplinary platform with endless opportunities for the academia and the business management professionals to share the latest knowledge and network. Along with the main aim, several researchers from different part of the world, took part in this conference and presented their findings. The conference was took place as two separate sessions. 13 conference papers have been presented on the Conference. For the inauguration session reputed personal from different leading organisation were presented and also leading Academics were also took apart.
This conference was chaired by Prof. Rohana Mahaliyanaarachchi, one of a leading Academic in Sri Lanka who has made research in to new heights within Sri Lanka education industry. Dr. Jayantha Lal Ratnasekera, Vice Chancellor, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka graced the event as the chief guest. Prof. Abdul Hannan Chowdhury - Vice Chancellor (Primeasia University, Bangladesh) participated for this conference proceeding. Prof. Michael R. Reed - Director International Programs (University of Kentucky, USA), was the main Academic personal to evaluate conference proceedings along with Prof. Paul Humphreys from Ulster University, UK and Dr. Sainey Faye from Business School, Bucks New University, UK. As special guests Mr. V. Janagan - Director International (EdHat International, UK) and Prof. (Dr.) Dayantha Wijesekara was participated. To make this event a success one from IDM Nations Campus, Mr. Madhawa Ranaweera - Director Academics (IDM Nations Campus), Mr. Zafir Deen - Director Operations (IDM Nations Campus), Dr. Wishvajith Kandegama - Director Graduate Studies (IDM Nations Campus), and Mrs. Jeewanthi Hettiarachchi - Coordinator Research (IDM Nations Campus) was given their effort along with the team from College of Graduate studies and College of Legal studies.